R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | Pts | Spk | 1sts | 2nds | |||
1 1 | tax exempt under 111(a) 📣 tax exempt under 111(a) tax exempt under 111(a)Anders Cairns Woodruff 🇨🇳, Caitlin Lai-Yee Mah | 4 1st 161 Placed 1stTeams in debate: backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OO) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 161 | 4 1st 163 Placed 1stTeams in debate: tax exempt under 111(a) (OG) Waterloo anti cube (OO) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CG) Claire bear (CO) Total speaker score: 163 | 4 1st 163 Placed 1stTeams in debate: 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) tax exempt under 111(a) (CG) HP a H-B P (CO) Total speaker score: 163 | 4 1st 164 Placed 1stTeams in debate: karel is pronounced like karl :D (OG) tax exempt under 111(a) (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 164 | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Claire bear (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 14 14 | 808 808 | 4 4 | 1 1 | |
2 2 | Claire bear 🛝 Claire bear Claire bearNimai Koneru, Claire Chen | 4 1st 162 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Claire bear (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CO) Total speaker score: 162 | 2 3rd 159 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: tax exempt under 111(a) (OG) Waterloo anti cube (OO) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CG) Claire bear (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OO) Claire bear (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 4 1st 157 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) Claire bear (OO) UWODS Foster Children (CG) Independent CF (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 4 1st 158 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Claire bear (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 13 13 | 791 791 | 4 4 | 0 | |
3 3 | HP a H-B P 🗝 HP a H-B P Humam Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceVijay Tupper, Humam Aziz 👑 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: HP a H-B P (OG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OO) NTU kayboon is our dog (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UWODS Foster Children (OG) HP a H-B P (OO) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 3 2nd 160 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) tax exempt under 111(a) (CG) HP a H-B P (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 3 2nd 161 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: karel is pronounced like karl :D (OG) tax exempt under 111(a) (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 161 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 12 12 | 798 798 | 2 2 | 3 3 | |
4 4 | 恭喜发财新年快乐 😆 恭喜发财新年快乐 恭喜发财新年快乐Arpi Yang, Xiao-ke Lu | 4 1st 151 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OO) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 4 1st 159 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UWODS Foster Children (OG) HP a H-B P (OO) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 2 3rd 158 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) tax exempt under 111(a) (CG) HP a H-B P (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 2 3rd 159 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: karel is pronounced like karl :D (OG) tax exempt under 111(a) (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 4 1st 164 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 164 | 11 11 | 791 791 | 3 3 | 0 | |
5 5 | TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! 🫘 TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!!Adam Banihani, Simon Yu | 4 1st 158 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU debate but it's completely differe (OG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OO) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 4 1st 157 Placed 1stTeams in debate: TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OG) EDS fuck Albany (OO) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 1 4th 155 Placed 4thTeams in debate: 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) tax exempt under 111(a) (CG) HP a H-B P (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 4 1st 161 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OO) Cornell 2 (CG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CO) Total speaker score: 161 | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 11 11 | 788 788 | 3 3 | 1 1 | |
6 6 | Independent CF 🍃 Independent CF Independent CFAnnika Frankiss 🐋(donated more than john washburn), Guo Chen | 4 1st 158 Placed 1stTeams in debate: HHDC Pakistan (OG) Independent CF (OO) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CG) Cornell 3 (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 3 2nd 152 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) Jimmy Fallon (OO) Independent CF (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 3 2nd 158 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Independent CF (OG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OO) Jimmy Fallon (CG) Cornell 2 (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) Claire bear (OO) UWODS Foster Children (CG) Independent CF (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 4 1st 159 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) Independent CF (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 11 11 | 777 777 | 2 2 | 2 2 | |
7 7 | karel is pronounced like karl :D 😔 karel is pronounced like karl :D karel is pronounced like karl :DKarel Brandenbarg, Kwame Safo | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS 5 (OG) Cornell 1 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 3 2nd 160 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: tax exempt under 111(a) (OG) Waterloo anti cube (OO) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CG) Claire bear (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 4 1st 163 Placed 1stTeams in debate: NTU kayboon is our dog (OG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (OO) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CG) HHDC Pakistan (CO) Total speaker score: 163 | 1 4th 156 Placed 4thTeams in debate: karel is pronounced like karl :D (OG) tax exempt under 111(a) (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) Independent CF (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 10 10 | 792 792 | 2 2 | 2 2 | |
8 8 | Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax 😴 Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax Hart House/Waterloo SnorlaxDavid Zu, Alex Zhu | 3 2nd 156 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OO) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 4 1st 161 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) UWODS Unc Status (CG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CO) Total speaker score: 161 | 3 2nd 162 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: NTU kayboon is our dog (OG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (OO) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CG) HHDC Pakistan (CO) Total speaker score: 162 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) Claire bear (OO) UWODS Foster Children (CG) Independent CF (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Claire bear (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 10 10 | 786 786 | 1 1 | 3 3 | |
9 9 | NTU kayboon is our dog 🪫 NTU kayboon is our dog NTU kayboon is our dogWay De Neo, Raymond Qiu | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: HP a H-B P (OG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OO) NTU kayboon is our dog (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU giggity giggity goo (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) CUDS 5 (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 1 4th 151 Placed 4thTeams in debate: NTU kayboon is our dog (OG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (OO) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CG) HHDC Pakistan (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Cornell 1 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CG) NTU kayboon is our dog (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 4 1st 159 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 10 10 | 782 782 | 2 2 | 2 2 | |
10 10 | QDU Eleanor and Chidi ⛓💥 QDU Eleanor and Chidi QDU Eleanor and ChidiEmma Kelly, Robert Howden | 2 3rd 147 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OO) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 3 2nd 152 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU Goonicide (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 4 1st 165 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU yay (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CO) Total speaker score: 165 | 3 2nd 160 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OO) Cornell 2 (CG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 10 10 | 781 781 | 1 1 | 3 3 | |
11 11 | Jimmy Fallon 😭 Jimmy Fallon Jimmy FallonLivi McElrea, Brandon Groth | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) MDU the british raj (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) Swing A (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) Jimmy Fallon (OO) Independent CF (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 2 3rd 156 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Independent CF (OG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OO) Jimmy Fallon (CG) Cornell 2 (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) Jimmy Fallon (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 2 3rd 154 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 10 10 | 777 777 | 2 2 | 1 1 | |
12 12 | Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative 📈 Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative University of Waterloo Borscht and Road InitiativeTed Ren 🫃, Jonathan Lyashko | 1 4th 149 Placed 4thTeams in debate: backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OO) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 2 3rd 156 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OO) QDU giggity giggity goo (CG) Waterloo anti cube (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 4 1st 159 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) UWODS Unc Status (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) MDU yay (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 10 10 | 774 774 | 3 3 | 0 | |
13 13 | backshots on the hedonic treadmill 🕶 backshots on the hedonic treadmill backshots on the hedonic treadmillEamon Roach, Lily Mckay-De Carvalho | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OO) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OO) EDS pochita (CG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CG) UWODS Unc Status (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 3 2nd 158 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Waterloo anti cube (OG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OO) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 2 3rd 154 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) Independent CF (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 9 9 | 779 779 | 1 1 | 2 2 | |
14 14 | UWODS Unc Status 💭 UWODS Unc Status UWODS Unc StatusEdward Wang, Arnav Gandhi | Novice | 3 2nd 157 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OO) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CG) QDU Pibble lovers (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) UWODS Unc Status (CG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 2 3rd 149 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CG) UWODS Unc Status (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) UWODS Unc Status (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 4 1st 159 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 9 9 | 771 771 | 1 1 | 2 2 |
15 15 | QDU $Melania long position 🕸 QDU $Melania long position QDU $Melania long positionWill Wu, Balraj Toor | 2 3rd 151 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OG) CUDS 4 (OO) QDU $Melania long position (CG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 3 2nd 150 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU $Melania long position (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 3 2nd 156 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU yay (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OO) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CG) QDU $Melania long position (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 2 3rd 156 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 9 9 | 769 769 | 1 1 | 2 2 | |
16 16 | MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists 🐺 MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists MDU/CUDS Kneecapping MisogynistsMary Larkin, Nitin Alagu | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: HHDC Pakistan (OG) Independent CF (OO) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CG) Cornell 3 (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 4 1st 152 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU $Melania long position (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 3 2nd 151 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OO) Claire bear (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Waterloo anti cube (OG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OO) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 1 4th 151 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Claire bear (CG) tax exempt under 111(a) (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 9 9 | 764 764 | 2 2 | 1 1 | |
17 17 | CUDS Drill Baby Drill 🥳 CUDS Drill Baby Drill Carleton University Debate Society Drill Baby DrillDylan Haegeman 🦬, Adrian Jimenez | 3 2nd 149 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OO) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 1 4th 150 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UWODS Foster Children (OG) HP a H-B P (OO) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Swing A (OG) MDU Russian Domination (OO) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OO) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CG) QDU $Melania long position (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) MDU yay (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 9 9 | 763 763 | 1 1 | 3 3 | |
18 18 | QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee 🍔 QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I EebowaiSophie Ng, Julia Van Damme 🫃 | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS pochita (OG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OO) EDS fuck Albany (CG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 3 2nd 152 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU giggity giggity goo (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) CUDS 5 (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 2 3rd 146 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OO) QDU Pibble lovers (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 2 3rd 147 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) Jimmy Fallon (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 9 9 | 754 754 | 1 1 | 2 2 | |
19 19 | HHDC Pakistan 🇵🇰 HHDC Pakistan Hart House Debate Club PakistanAizad Rayan, Subhan Khan | Novice | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: HHDC Pakistan (OG) Independent CF (OO) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CG) Cornell 3 (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OG) HHDC Pakistan (OO) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 2 3rd 158 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: NTU kayboon is our dog (OG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (OO) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CG) HHDC Pakistan (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) Jimmy Fallon (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 155 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 8 8 | 777 777 | 1 1 | 2 2 |
20 20 | MDU debate but it's completely differe 🚄 MDU debate but it's completely differe McGill Debating Union debate but it's completely different but still debateAubrey Nan 🏳️🌈, Noah Aldinger | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU debate but it's completely differe (OG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OO) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OG) EDS fuck Albany (OO) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CG) EDS fuck Albany (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Cornell 1 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CG) NTU kayboon is our dog (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 3 2nd 156 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 8 8 | 770 770 | 0 | 3 3 | |
21 21 | Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream 🥌 Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream University of Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream cheese???Ananya Bose, Advait Sangle | 2 3rd 154 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: HP a H-B P (OG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OO) NTU kayboon is our dog (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 4 1st 158 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OO) EDS pochita (CG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 2 3rd 149 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OO) Claire bear (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Cornell 1 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CG) NTU kayboon is our dog (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 1 4th 150 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OO) HP a H-B P (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 8 8 | 767 767 | 2 2 | 0 | |
22 22 | Cornell 2 🎖 Cornell 2 Cornell University 2Eamin Ahmed, Soren Jensen | Novice | 4 1st 153 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OG) Cornell 2 (OO) MDU yay (CG) QDU giggity giggity goo (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) Jimmy Fallon (OO) Independent CF (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Independent CF (OG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OO) Jimmy Fallon (CG) Cornell 2 (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 1 4th 149 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OO) Cornell 2 (CG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 8 8 | 765 765 | 2 2 | 0 |
23 23 | UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 🎾 UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭Isabelle Zhang, Louis-Philippe Bateman | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OG) CUDS 4 (OO) QDU $Melania long position (CG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OG) HHDC Pakistan (OO) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 4 1st 153 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OO) QDU Pibble lovers (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 2 3rd 155 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OO) Cornell 2 (CG) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) Independent CF (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 8 8 | 764 764 | 1 1 | 2 2 | |
24 24 | EDS fuck Albany 🥱 EDS fuck Albany University of Ottawa fuck AlbanyAlicia Leguizamón López 🪼, Oscar Lavitt 🪿 | Novice | 4 1st 154 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS pochita (OG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OO) EDS fuck Albany (CG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 1 4th 150 Placed 4thTeams in debate: TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OG) EDS fuck Albany (OO) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CG) EDS fuck Albany (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) UWODS Unc Status (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 4 1st 154 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 8 8 | 761 761 | 2 2 | 0 |
25 25 | UWODS 240 Dollar Uber 🥖 UWODS 240 Dollar Uber UWODS 240 Dollar UberAarian Bhakoo, Purushoth Megarajah | Novice | 3 2nd 149 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Claire bear (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 2 3rd 149 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OG) HHDC Pakistan (OO) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 1 4th 139 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU yay (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CO) Total speaker score: 139 | 4 1st 157 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) Cornell 3 (CG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 8 8 | 749 749 | 1 1 | 2 2 |
26 26 | Cornell 1 🐼 Cornell 1 Cornell University 1William Lock, Abhay Gupta | 2 3rd 139 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS 5 (OG) Cornell 1 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 139 | 2 3rd 148 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU $Melania long position (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 4 1st 156 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Cornell 3 (OG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OO) CUDS 5 (CG) Cornell 1 (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 1 4th 147 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Cornell 1 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CG) NTU kayboon is our dog (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 4 1st 157 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 8 8 | 747 747 | 2 2 | 0 | |
27 27 | Waterloo anti cube 🍟 Waterloo anti cube University of Waterloo anti cubeElaine Zhao, Taira Mehta | 4 1st 162 Placed 1stTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) MDU the british raj (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) Swing A (CO) Total speaker score: 162 | 1 4th 156 Placed 4thTeams in debate: tax exempt under 111(a) (OG) Waterloo anti cube (OO) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CG) Claire bear (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 4 1st 159 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OO) QDU giggity giggity goo (CG) Waterloo anti cube (CO) Total speaker score: 159 | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Waterloo anti cube (OG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OO) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 152 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 7 7 | 782 782 | 2 2 | 0 | |
28 28 | HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government 🔫 HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government Hart House Debate Club zhang-hemmati coalition governmentCrystal Zhang, Kosar Hemmati | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OG) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (OO) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 3 2nd 156 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CG) UWODS Unc Status (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OO) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CG) QDU $Melania long position (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) MDU yay (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 7 7 | 766 766 | 1 1 | 1 1 | |
29 29 | MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard 🤒 MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard McGill Debating Union she likes it soft, he likes it hard” (it’s about motion types)Bridget Li, John Washburn 🥚➡️🐣➡️🐤➡️🐔➡️🍗 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OO) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CG) QDU Pibble lovers (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 1 4th 149 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Cornell 2 (OG) Jimmy Fallon (OO) Independent CF (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 4 1st 158 Placed 1stTeams in debate: CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CG) EDS fuck Albany (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OO) HHDC Pakistan (CG) Jimmy Fallon (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 7 7 | 765 765 | 2 2 | 0 | |
30 30 | MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis 🎼 MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis McGill Debating Union 4th Taiwan Strait CrisisWarren Chen, Christopher Li | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU debate but it's completely differe (OG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OO) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 4 1st 148 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) MDU yay (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 3 2nd 158 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OO) QDU giggity giggity goo (CG) Waterloo anti cube (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 1 4th 152 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Waterloo anti cube (OG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OO) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 3 2nd 158 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 158 | 7 7 | 762 762 | 1 1 | 2 2 | |
31 31= | QDU Goonicide 🗡 QDU Goonicide QDU GoonicideSimon Mackinnon, Alex Wang | Novice | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU Goonicide (OG) UWODS Foster Children (OO) MDU Russian Domination (CG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 4 1st 153 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU Goonicide (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OO) Claire bear (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 2 3rd 149 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU Pibble lovers (OG) MDU yay (OO) QDU Goonicide (CG) MDU Russian Domination (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 7 7 | 758 758 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
31 31= | UWODS Foster Children 🛷 UWODS Foster Children UWODS Foster ChildrenJacky Li, Kyla Coutts | 4 1st 157 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU Goonicide (OG) UWODS Foster Children (OO) MDU Russian Domination (CG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CO) Total speaker score: 157 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UWODS Foster Children (OG) HP a H-B P (OO) 恭喜发财新年快乐 (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 3 2nd 149 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OO) QDU Pibble lovers (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 1 4th 144 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (OG) Claire bear (OO) UWODS Foster Children (CG) Independent CF (CO) Total speaker score: 144 | 2 3rd 156 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 7 7 | 758 758 | 1 1 | 1 1 | |
33 33 | CUDS hot girls were girl guides ❤🩹 CUDS hot girls were girl guides Carleton University Debate Society hot girls were girl guidesMaddy Gordon, Ashley Shea | 2 3rd 153 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU debate but it's completely differe (OG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OO) TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (CG) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU Goonicide (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 1 4th 145 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS hot girls were girl guides (OG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (OO) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (CG) UWODS Unc Status (CO) Total speaker score: 145 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 3 2nd 152 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 7 7 | 755 755 | 1 1 | 1 1 | |
34 34 | MDU Russian Domination 🧈 MDU Russian Domination McGill Debating Union Russian DominationSophie Miretsky, Fedor Biryukov | Novice | 3 2nd 156 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU Goonicide (OG) UWODS Foster Children (OO) MDU Russian Domination (CG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CO) Total speaker score: 156 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) UWODS Unc Status (CG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Swing A (OG) MDU Russian Domination (OO) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 141 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU Pibble lovers (OG) MDU yay (OO) QDU Goonicide (CG) MDU Russian Domination (CO) Total speaker score: 141 | 4 1st 150 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) Swing A (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 7 7 | 748 748 | 1 1 | 2 2 |
35 35 | CUDS 4 🤺 CUDS 4 Carleton University Debate Society 4Arka Dev Biswas Deepra, Thomas André | Novice | 1 4th 142 Placed 4thTeams in debate: HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OG) CUDS 4 (OO) QDU $Melania long position (CG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CO) Total speaker score: 142 | 2 3rd 148 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OO) CUDS 4 (CG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 4 1st 160 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CG) CUDS 4 (CO) Total speaker score: 160 | 1 4th 143 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CO) Total speaker score: 143 | 6 6 | 747 747 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
36 36 | CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 🛥 CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028Eric Peng 🥹, Bilguun Tserenbadral | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OO) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CG) QDU Pibble lovers (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 3 2nd 150 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OG) MDU debate but it's completely differe (OO) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (CG) EDS fuck Albany (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 3 2nd 147 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) Swing A (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 6 6 | 746 746 | 0 | 3 3 | |
37 37 | MDU the british raj 🤡 MDU the british raj McGill Debating Union the british rajAmelia Taylor, Tanya Chawla | Novice | 2 3rd 154 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) MDU the british raj (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) Swing A (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 1 4th 145 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU $Melania long position (OG) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 145 | 1 4th 141 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OO) MDU the british raj (CG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CO) Total speaker score: 141 | 3 2nd 150 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU the british raj (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 4 1st 150 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS pochita (OO) Swing B (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 6 6 | 740 740 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
38 38 | MDU yay 🫒 MDU yay McGill Debating Union yayAllenna Tang, Thomas Bowes | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OG) Cornell 2 (OO) MDU yay (CG) QDU giggity giggity goo (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 3 2nd 143 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) MDU yay (CO) Total speaker score: 143 | 2 3rd 149 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU yay (OG) QDU $Melania long position (OO) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CG) QDU Eleanor and Chidi (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 4 1st 153 Placed 1stTeams in debate: QDU Pibble lovers (OG) MDU yay (OO) QDU Goonicide (CG) MDU Russian Domination (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) MDU yay (CG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 6 6 | 737 737 | 1 1 | 1 1 | |
39 39 | EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? 🍠 EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT?? RAHHHHH!!!!!!!!Kelly Huang, Emma Nolan | Novice | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: HP a H-B P (OG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OO) NTU kayboon is our dog (CG) Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 1 4th 143 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CO) Total speaker score: 143 | 4 1st 147 Placed 1stTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OO) MDU the british raj (CG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 3 2nd 150 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CG) CUDS 4 (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 2 3rd 150 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 6 6 | 736 736 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
40 40 | EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan 🍇 EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily ShenanigansEthan van Kessel 🫃, Angelina Fosterdelmundo | Novice | 1 4th 134 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS 5 (OG) Cornell 1 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 134 | 3 2nd 152 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Cornell 3 (OG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OO) CUDS 5 (CG) Cornell 1 (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 2 3rd 149 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) Cornell 3 (CG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 4 1st 152 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 6 6 | 735 735 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
41 41 | QDU giggity giggity goo 🐿 QDU giggity giggity goo QDU giggity giggity gooHanna Cavanagh, Colm Mcreynolds | 3 2nd 150 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OG) Cornell 2 (OO) MDU yay (CG) QDU giggity giggity goo (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 2 3rd 147 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: QDU giggity giggity goo (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) CUDS 5 (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 1 4th 134 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (OG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OO) QDU giggity giggity goo (CG) Waterloo anti cube (CO) Total speaker score: 134 | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) Cornell 3 (CG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 2 3rd 151 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 6 6 | 735 735 | 0 | 2 2 | |
42 42 | HHDC Schlieffen Plan 🫅 HHDC Schlieffen Plan Hart House Debate Club Schlieffen PlanAshlyn Lu, Joy Luo | Novice | 4 1st 154 Placed 1stTeams in debate: HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OG) CUDS 4 (OO) QDU $Melania long position (CG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 3 2nd 153 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SMILE RN!!! (OG) EDS fuck Albany (OO) MDU debate but it's completely differe (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 153 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Independent CF (OG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (OO) Jimmy Fallon (CG) Cornell 2 (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OG) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (OO) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CG) QDU $Melania long position (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 1 4th 149 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) HHDC Schlieffen Plan (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 5 5 | 757 757 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
43 43 | QDU Pibble lovers ⬜ QDU Pibble lovers QDU Pibble loversAngie Ivanov, Aleyna Gibb | Novice | 2 3rd 151 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) MDU she likes it soft, he likes it hard (OO) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CG) QDU Pibble lovers (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 3 2nd 155 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) UWODS Unc Status (CG) Hart House/Waterloo Snorlax (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 1 4th 144 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (OG) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (OO) QDU Pibble lovers (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 144 | 3 2nd 150 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: QDU Pibble lovers (OG) MDU yay (OO) QDU Goonicide (CG) MDU Russian Domination (CO) Total speaker score: 150 | 1 4th 153 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UWODS Unc Status (OG) QDU Pibble lovers (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) UWODS Foster Children (CO) Total speaker score: 153 | 5 5 | 753 753 | 0 | 2 2 |
44 44 | Swing A 🛎 Swing A Swing ASpeaker 1, Speaker 2 | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Jimmy Fallon (OG) MDU the british raj (OO) Waterloo anti cube (CG) Swing A (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 2 3rd 146 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Swing A (OG) MDU Russian Domination (OO) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 4 1st 154 Placed 1stTeams in debate: MDU the british raj (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 2 3rd 145 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) Swing A (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 145 | 5 5 | 739 739 | 1 1 | 0 | |
45 45 | HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier 🪐 HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier Hart House Debate Club 1.5x gay multiplierKrapook Iewwongcharoen, Ten Watanaprakarnchai | Novice | 2 3rd 146 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Claire bear (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 1 4th 145 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OG) HHDC Pakistan (OO) UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 145 | 2 3rd 151 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OO) CUDS 4 (CG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CO) Total speaker score: 151 | 2 3rd 146 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 3 2nd 149 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 5 5 | 737 737 | 0 | 1 1 |
46 46 | CUDS Himbo and Lesbian 🧫 CUDS Himbo and Lesbian Carleton University Debate Society Himbo and LesbianHayden Strachan 🐃 🐃 🫃, Kyla Silva | 2 3rd 147 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OG) Cornell 2 (OO) MDU yay (CG) QDU giggity giggity goo (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 1 4th 149 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU Eleanor and Chidi (OG) QDU Goonicide (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 4 1st 155 Placed 1stTeams in debate: EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OO) CUDS 4 (CG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CO) Total speaker score: 155 | 1 4th 149 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS fuck Albany (OG) UWODS Unc Status (OO) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CG) Waterloo Borscht and Road Initiative (CO) Total speaker score: 149 | 1 4th 147 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (OO) Cornell 1 (CG) QDU Goonicide (CO) Total speaker score: 147 | 4 4 | 747 747 | 1 1 | 0 | |
47 47 | Cornell 3 📍 Cornell 3 Cornell University 3Nicolas Jaimes, Alexis Bell | Novice | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: HHDC Pakistan (OG) Independent CF (OO) MDU/CUDS Kneecapping Misogynists (CG) Cornell 3 (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 2 3rd 141 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) MDU yay (CO) Total speaker score: 141 | 3 2nd 154 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: Cornell 3 (OG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OO) CUDS 5 (CG) Cornell 1 (CO) Total speaker score: 154 | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OG) QDU giggity giggity goo (OO) Cornell 3 (CG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 2 3rd 146 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 4 4 | 735 735 | 0 | 1 1 |
48 48 | UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana 🥐 UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Analysis and Logical Inquiry Serious Society)Karen Houley, Vincent Dieumegarde | Novice | 1 4th 148 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU Goonicide (OG) UWODS Foster Children (OO) MDU Russian Domination (CG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 2 3rd 140 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OO) EDS pochita (CG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CO) Total speaker score: 140 | 3 2nd 145 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OO) MDU the british raj (CG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CO) Total speaker score: 145 | 1 4th 142 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CG) CUDS 4 (CO) Total speaker score: 142 | 2 3rd 144 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS pochita (OO) Swing B (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 144 | 4 4 | 719 719 | 0 | 1 1 |
49 49 | CUDS 5 🎶 CUDS 5 Carleton University Debate Society 5Mutaz Hammad, Sam Moir | 3 2nd 140 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: CUDS 5 (OG) Cornell 1 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) karel is pronounced like karl :D (CO) Total speaker score: 140 | 1 4th 142 Placed 4thTeams in debate: QDU giggity giggity goo (OG) NTU kayboon is our dog (OO) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CG) CUDS 5 (CO) Total speaker score: 142 | 2 3rd 152 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Cornell 3 (OG) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (OO) CUDS 5 (CG) Cornell 1 (CO) Total speaker score: 152 | 2 3rd 146 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (CG) CUDS 4 (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 1 4th 136 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU Russian Domination (OG) CUDS 5 (OO) Swing A (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 136 | 4 4 | 716 716 | 0 | 1 1 | |
50 50 | EDS pochita 😬 EDS pochita University of Ottawa pochitaredacted, Rintaro Kodaira | Novice | 2 3rd 148 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: EDS pochita (OG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OO) EDS fuck Albany (CG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 1 4th 139 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (OG) UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OO) EDS pochita (CG) backshots on the hedonic treadmill (CO) Total speaker score: 139 | 2 3rd 148 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: Swing A (OG) MDU Russian Domination (OO) CUDS Drill Baby Drill (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 1 4th 139 Placed 4thTeams in debate: HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (OO) CUDS hot girls were girl guides (CG) EDS pochita (CO) Total speaker score: 139 | 1 4th 137 Placed 4thTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS pochita (OO) Swing B (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 137 | 2 2 | 711 711 | 0 | 0 |
51 51 | EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays 🌈 EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays University of Ottawa Enjoying Drunk SaturdaysSahil Khokhar, Sophie Gebreselassie | Novice | 1 4th 140 Placed 4thTeams in debate: Claire bear (OG) UWODS 240 Dollar Uber (OO) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CO) Total speaker score: 140 | 1 4th 132 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) MDU 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis (CG) MDU yay (CO) Total speaker score: 132 | 2 3rd 143 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OO) MDU the british raj (CG) EDS/CUDS HATSUNE MIKU IN FORTNIGHT? (CO) Total speaker score: 143 | 2 3rd 145 Placed 3rdTeams in debate: MDU the british raj (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CO) Total speaker score: 145 | 1 4th 129 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (OG) Cornell 3 (OO) EDS/TMU Exhausting Daily Shenanigan (CG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (CO) Total speaker score: 129 | 2 2 | 689 689 | 0 | 0 |
52 52 | Swing B 🦤 Swing B Swing BSpeaker 3, Speaker 4 | — | — | — | — | 3 2nd 148 Placed 2ndTeams in debate: UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (OG) EDS pochita (OO) Swing B (CG) MDU the british raj (CO) Total speaker score: 148 | 2 2 | 148 148 | 0 | 1 1 | |
53 53 | EDS Every Dragon Sparkles 🪒 EDS Every Dragon Sparkles University of Ottawa Every Dragon SparklesMarion Rafaralahisoa, Rani Betsiaroana | Novice | 1 4th 136 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS pochita (OG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OO) EDS fuck Albany (CG) QDU She Hasa on my Diga until I Ee (CO) Total speaker score: 136 | 1 4th 144 Placed 4thTeams in debate: CUDS 4 (OG) HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (OO) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CG) CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (CO) Total speaker score: 144 | 1 4th 146 Placed 4thTeams in debate: EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (OG) HHDC 1.5x gay multiplier (OO) CUDS 4 (CG) CUDS Himbo and Lesbian (CO) Total speaker score: 146 | 1 4th 133 Placed 4thTeams in debate: MDU the british raj (OG) Swing A (OO) EDS Enjoying Drunk Saturdays (CG) EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (CO) Total speaker score: 133 | — | 0 | 559 559 | 0 | 0 |
54 54 | EDS elephant dinner squad 👽 EDS elephant dinner squad EDS elephant dinner squadSophie Gebreselassie, Cindy Li | Novice | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | 0 | 0 |