Ballot for UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana vs EDS pochita vs Swing B vs MDU the british raj Round 5 @ FSS 9003


This house opposes the stigma against fictional relationships (i.e. relationships where an individual has willingly chosen to forego entering into a relationship with another person, instead opting to behave as though they are in a relationship with a fictional character, AI chatbot, etc.).


  • PM Vincent Dieumegarde 72
  • DPM Karen Houley 72
  • Total for UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (Opening Government) 144
  • LO redacted 69
  • DLO Rintaro Kodaira 68
  • Total for EDS pochita (Opening Opposition) 137
  • MG Speaker 3 75
  • GW Speaker 4 73
  • Total for Swing B (Closing Government) 148
  • MO Amelia Taylor 76
  • OW Tanya Chawla 74
  • Total for MDU the british raj (Closing Opposition) 150