Ballot for UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 vs backshots on the hedonic treadmill vs Independent CF vs karel is pronounced like karl :D Round 5 @ FSS 14001


This house opposes the stigma against fictional relationships (i.e. relationships where an individual has willingly chosen to forego entering into a relationship with another person, instead opting to behave as though they are in a relationship with a fictional character, AI chatbot, etc.).


  • PM Isabelle Zhang 75
  • DPM Louis-Philippe Bateman 73
  • Total for UdQ ouate de phoque 🦭 (Opening Government) 148
  • LO Eamon Roach 77
  • DLO Lily Mckay-De Carvalho 77
  • Total for backshots on the hedonic treadmill (Opening Opposition) 154
  • MG Guo Chen 80
  • GW Annika Frankiss 🐋(donated more than john washburn) 79
  • Total for Independent CF (Closing Government) 159
  • MO Karel Brandenbarg 79
  • OW Kwame Safo 78
  • Total for karel is pronounced like karl :D (Closing Opposition) 157