Ballot for Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream vs UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana vs EDS pochita vs backshots on the hedonic treadmill Round 2 @ FSS 9003


This house believes that the United States should impose regulations designed to slow the development of AGI (e.g., parameter caps, explainability/interpretability requirements, bureaucratic approval processes for AGI R&D, and/or licenses for developers working on AGI).


  • PM Ananya Bose 79
  • DPM Advait Sangle 79
  • Total for Waterloo You let him eat the biohazard cream (Opening Government) 158
  • LO Vincent Dieumegarde 74
  • DLO Karen Houley 66
  • Total for UdQ The C.A.L.I.S.S. (Critical Ana (Opening Opposition) 140
  • MG redacted 71
  • GW Rintaro Kodaira 68
  • Total for EDS pochita (Closing Government) 139
  • MO Eamon Roach 78
  • OW Lily Mckay-De Carvalho 79
  • Total for backshots on the hedonic treadmill (Closing Opposition) 157