Ballot for CUDS 4 vs HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government vs EDS Every Dragon Sparkles vs CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 Round 2 @ FSS 6004


This house believes that the United States should impose regulations designed to slow the development of AGI (e.g., parameter caps, explainability/interpretability requirements, bureaucratic approval processes for AGI R&D, and/or licenses for developers working on AGI).


  • PM Thomas André 75
  • DPM Arka Dev Biswas Deepra 73
  • Total for CUDS 4 (Opening Government) 148
  • LO Kosar Hemmati 80
  • DLO Crystal Zhang 80
  • Total for HHDC zhang-hemmati coalition government (Opening Opposition) 160
  • MG Marion Rafaralahisoa 72
  • GW Rani Betsiaroana 72
  • Total for EDS Every Dragon Sparkles (Closing Government) 144
  • MO Eric Peng 🥹 75
  • OW Bilguun Tserenbadral 75
  • Total for CUDS/eds Xi Jinping 2028 (Closing Opposition) 150