1 1 4 Ferrari Zhang, Michael Shi
3 Emir Nurymgereyev, Yaseen Afif
2 THP a university system where tuition is free but the application process is very competitive, to a system where the application process is less competitive and students must pay for their own tuition
2 3 4 Shirley & Terrence redemption era
1 DFGNHJMKL;'PLKJHUY (pronounced phon
Annie Zhang, Justin Huang
2 EEC kooya poon and sharon lawn
THR the rise of youth sports academies in the developing world (example: MLB in the Dominican Republic)
3 2 Isaac Myshrall, Alyssa Jones
4 3 1 Hamza AzizⒸ
, Marion Rafaralahisoa TH assuming feasibility, as Canada, W abolish the provincial system
4 4 2 3 Shirley & Terrence redemption era
1 THP private corporations (SpaceX, Blue Origin) to government entities (NASA, CSA) engaging in space exploration (research, setting up satellites, space missions)
5 2 Isaac Myshrall, Alyssa Jones
1 Alexander Yang, Daoud Shaheen
4 3 TH, as the Pope, W condemn and excommunicate authoritarian leaders in majority Catholic Latin America and Southeast Asian countries
8 1 2 DFGNHJMKL;'PLKJHUY (pronounced phon
Annie Zhang, Justin Huang
1 1 Amylee BourgaultⒸ
, Adrienne Liu
, Alicia Leguizamón López
, Anaïs Kneppers
, Aubrey Nan
, Danté Cecilio Fosterdelmundo
, Eric Peng
, Hamza Aziz
, Mirko Onufrak
, Oscar Lavitt
, Yueqian Wang TH Predicts a world war between major global powers will occur within the next fifteen years
9 1 2 2 William Zhou, Nathan Wang
1 Keenan Gheyara, Mark Figlarz-Grassino
Amylee BourgaultⒸ
, Adrita Rahman
, Hamza AzizⓉ THW implement a similar polling system in all competitive, major multiplayer games
10 1 Samuel Qing, Sihuang Song
1 William Couper, Kate Zhang
2 1 William Zhou, Nathan Wang
Hamza AzizⒸ
, Cindy Li
, Danté Cecilio Fosterdelmundo
, Eric Peng axe the tax, trudeau must go
TH, as the Liberal Party of Canada, R the carbon tax